
The In-Home Supports Program

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The one thing that was the noticeable is although that there are things available they are not very known or easy to find. Unless you are really searching for something it isn’t very readily available to the public. I think the one that I found that has the most public knowledge about is the North Dakota Special Olympics, but even with that there wasn’t a ton of information. There were plenty of other small programs and events that were out there but once again none of them provided many details on how to get involved or what it was really …show more content…

The IHS program benefits the primary caregiver by assisting the individual in activities of daily living such as eating, drinking, toileting, and physical functioning; improving and maintaining mobility and physical functioning when these tasks require more than one person to accomplish. If no other natural support is available the program may also include assisting the individual with maintaining health and personal safety while the primary caregiver is home and attending to other household tasks or children. The IHS can be provided to the individual while the primary caretaker is home or away from home, but is unavailable to care for the individual. The team, which includes the primary caretaker, determines the appropriate tasks or activities provided during the support hours and is included in the individuals plan. The IHS program is intended to help the family live life to the fullest by supporting the needs of the individual and family with the intent of preventing or delaying out of the home placement. The thing about both of these things is that when looking at other websites that should mention these things doesn’t have any trace of the …show more content…

EFMP is offered by all branches of the military, and each Service includes a variety of personnel, medical and family support functions under the EFMP umbrella. The portion of EFMP support that is provided by the Air Force Medical Service is known as the Exceptional Family Member Program-Medical (EFMP-M). One goal of EFMP is to consider the medical and/or educational needs of family members as they move around the world with their active duty (AD) sponsors. Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) also coordinates reassignments for AD sponsors when one or more family members' needs cannot be met in the current location. At the Grand Forks AFB, EFMP-M coordinates with EFMP-Family Support and EFMP-Assignments to assist sponsors and their family members through the enrollment process as well as Family Medical Relocation Clearance (FMRC) process after receiving an assignment notification. These are things that make the constant move that has to do with the military an easier process on both parent and special needs

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