
The Incel Movement: An Analysis

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The Incel movement, a movement fueled by the hate for women that won’t have relationships with the men of this social group, has gained a great deal of attention in the news recently. On April 23, 2018, a man named Alek Minassian rented a truck in Toronto and ran into a busy sidewalk, killing 10 people and injuring 13 more. Just before the attack, Minassian made a post on Facebook praising Elliot Rodger, another murderer that killed his victims and himself in support of the Incel movement and their anger at their lack of sex and relationships. The Incel Movement is very dangerous, especially because there are individuals like Alek Minassian and Elliot Rodger that are willing to take extreme measures to deal with their anger, and all of these …show more content…

Elliot Rodger is incredibly detailed when writing about his childhood, and he describes it as the happiest years of his life, taking up the first 5 pages to reminisce about his early life in England. After these first 5 pages his story becomes morose and Rodger begins to describe his more negative experiences in school. When recounting his early life, Rodger seems almost surprised that he was friends with girls at a young age. His hatred for the female population runs very deep and he tends to oversexualize the women that were in his life. By page 49 of his autobiography he has established that he was morbidly insecure and jealous of the young people he interacted with- a theme that would carry out until the end of his story. At page 57 Rodger starts to become violent and his hatred for the world shines through: “I was fueled both by my desire to destroy all of the injustices of the world, and to exact revenge on everyone I envy and hate. I decided that my destiny in life is to rise to power so I can impose my ideology on the world and set everything right." Elliot had become obsessed with attempting to enter the social scene and was genuinely angry at people that had relationships, had sex, and were overall happy. Starting at page 82 he begins to discuss his deep hatred for women, which continues on throughout the rest of his story, "It was society's …show more content…

They are often lonely, insecure, and angry, which creates a hostile environment for their targets. Together they have created a frenzy of aggression that isn’t benefiting them at all but creating more problems for them in the long run. These online communities do very little to give real help to those that need it and will only increase the problems they have, at best making them more outspokenly misogynistic online and at worst criminals in everyday life. The media that is now focused on Incels will only encourage them to be more bold and radical, which is something the world needs less

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