
The Influence Of Magic Johnson In Basketball

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Most people in the world have an individual that they look up to, someone who they want to model their life after. For many, parents or celebrities are this individual. Some children even choose athletes such as NBA players. One of the most influential people in the basketball world during the time was Magic Johnson. Earvin “Magic” Johnson was a 6’9” point guard in the National Basketball Association. With his height and exceptional ball handling skills for his size, he took the NBA by storm by posting unbelievable statistics and winning multiple championships with the Los Angeles Lakers. His championships came by his will to never give up. Magic’s attitude and desire to win played a role to his influence on the people. Along with fame comes …show more content…

Soon after his public announcement of his contraction of HIV, Johnson has been a public figure for HIV for a long time. Johnson continued to speak out and raised millions of dollars for research to combat the disease. In Encyclopedia of World Biography, the author said, “He founded the Magic Johnson Foundation for HIV/AIDS education and coauthored What You Can Do to Prevent AIDS” (Encyclopedia of World Biography, "Earvin Johnson, Jr" 1). Magic’s foundation raised awareness for HIV/AIDS and with him being a spokesmodel, popularity for testing increased. However, when he was first known to have the disease, his family did not know what to do. Instead of losing hope and saying the end is near, both Magic and his wife did everything in their power to keep him healthy and optimistic. In the periodical “Magic and Me,” the author wrote: “ [Magic and his wife] felt their world was crumbling... but instead of retreating they started fighting for Magic’s life and as well as for greater awareness about HIV” (Leonard 9). Magic’s family took the disease as a chance to better themselves as well as an opportunity to help others around them. In addition, Magic has been the perfect symbol of a healthy human with HIV because of how long he has healthily lived with the disease. In the periodical, “We Believe in Magic”, the author wrote about how Magic was a symbol to the people: “ And as he remained healthy and in the public eye, Earvin …show more content…

Magic changed how the NBA worked by breaking the barrier of bigger players playing at point guard which is mostly for smaller players. Magic also worked hard and stayed determined whether it was at basketball or school. Magic defied all expectations after being drafted as a first round pick and after his announcement about HIV, he has been a positive public figure for them for years. However, his affairs with other men during his basketball career, which was his presumed cause of HIV, put many question marks on his overall character. Magic Johnson sets an example for people and children today. Despite all of his hardships in life, he did not give up. Given how easy losing hope is, Magic’s character has stayed with him. Even after getting the announcement that his career is over, he still powers though all the negatives in life and even came back to the NBA for a period. Magic Johnson did not only set an example of how kids in modern time should practice and play basketball, he also set an example for kids by his built character and his determination and work

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