
The Influence Of School Integration

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Political Science Paper In this paper, I will examine whether attitudes about school integration were influenced by voter’s race and whether they changed during the years. The case Brown vs Board of education of 1954 saw the Supreme Court ruling that education is one of the core foundations of a civil society and therefore it should be offered without any form of discrimination based on race. However, many states and the great majority of schools did not start the process of school desegregation and the few black students admitted to all-white schools had to face discrimination and violence. The first major breakthrough for school integration after Brown vs Board happened in 1964 when The Civil Rights Act was passed by Lindon Johnson. In particular, Title IV of the Act authorizes the federal government to file school desegregation cases. After analyzing the historical context of school integration in America, I hypothesized that race could have been extremely influential on whether people supported or not school desegregation. I expected black people, who had been subjected to unequal education, to vastly agree with school integration while I expected the majority of white people to not have been in favor of desegregation of education. Furthermore, I expected that, over time, white people would have leaned towards school desegregation reflecting the gradual change of mentality in a country that was becoming less and less segregated. I also expected the rate of support for

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