The climate in the highlands varies with latitude, elevation, other topography and continental location. In rugged mountain areas such as the Andes of South America, the climates can vary based on the factors as whether a slope faces south or north and whether it is exposed to winds that are carrying
Climate is closely associated with the seasons, but do you know what causes the seasons? Log on to the website
2- Air pressure is not usually a constant that’s why usually impacts therefore it usually weather not climate. Some several key areas of the globe have consistent highs and lows that affect the weather and wind patterns having a huge impact on the climate.
Through time, huge amounts of remains such as mud, soil, and sand were moved away from South America and North America by strong ocean flows and fed through the openings between the recently created landmasses, also known as islands. Slowly, over the years, the remain deposits were getting added to the landmasses till the openings were totally filled. By around 3 million years ago, an isthmus, a narrow strip of land, with water on either side, that connects two larger bodies of land, had formed between South America and North America.
Peru has three main climates because of its unique location and topography. By the coast there is a dry, arid climate, in the Andes are highlands, and to the east is a humid climate. Peru is mainly a tropical forest because of its location in relation to the Amazon Forest. 53% of land is forest and 18.8% is agricultural. Over 2 million people have emigrated from Peru in the last decade, mainly to the United States, Argentina,
Around North Pole, Eastern Half of United States, called prairies in North America, located near the equator in Latin America, on every continent except antarctica. These are statements to describe characteristics of selected biomes. So What are Biomes? Biomes are the collections of the major ecosystems that are unique and has distinct forms of life. Which means that each biomes has a collections of plants and animals that has adapted to living within an area that has certain environmental conditions which plays a significant role in it continual existence. For example in one type of Biome called grassland, precipitation is important because it aid in the growth of grassland, which area usually located at the bottom of the mountain floor.
As you can see, this region has a climate that changes gradually depending on the area it is located.
The Middle and South America physical environment contribute to how the people interact with the environment. There are four temperature altitude zones, natural physical environment, that affect the interactions of humans. One of the four is the tierra caliente zone, known for plantation agriculture with tropical crops such as bananas, sugar cane, cocoa, and pineapple (Pulsipher &Pulsipher 2012, 104). The tierra templada zone, crops such as corn, bean, squash, green vegetables, wheat, and coffee grow well here (Pulsipher & Pulsipher 2012, 104). In the tierra fria zone, crops such as wheat, fruit trees, potatoes, cool weathered vegetables thrive, and herding llamas, sheep, and guinea pigs for food and fiber is known here(Pulsipher & Pulsipher
Peru has many ecotourism attractions, such as the lost city of Machu Picchu, the Andes Mountain, as well as the Amazon Rainforest. All of these natural landmarks are adversely affected by climate change. Machu Picchu is eroded by tourists as well as by changes in geography. Not only are the glaciers in Andes Mountains being melted due to global warming, but the general population, whose water supply is from said glaciers, are being affected as well. The Amazon Rainforest is constantly at risk because the residents intend to continue logging, as they make money and do not care for the future of the Amazon Rainforest. Society continues to change due to the fact that there is less of the water supply, causing inflation
In this article it talked about the climate changes in latin america. Some of this changes include, the sea level rise, the rainfall pattern, melting glaciers, agricultural regions, and the development of diseases. All of these changes are happening in Latin America. It also talk about what latin america has.
As a citizen and a customer, I ask of you to rethink about cutting down millions of trees in Brazil. Not only does it harm the environment, it may harm your business in the long run. The rainforest in South America is very important for the world outside of commercial use. If you continue to clear-cutting the rainforests, the whole world pays the cost.
The northeast coast of Egypt has a Mediterranean climate during the winter. Mount Sinai can be covered in snow. Usually the places around the Mediterranean Sea have a Mediterranean climate. Places that have a Mediterranean climate usually have a wide variety of animals, plants, and temperatures.
Canal, Andes Mountains, and the Gulf of Mexico all affect cultural differences in parts of Latin
The annual trends of glacial length and area of many glaciers in the Andes have fluctuated over time. Masiokas et al. (2009) reviewed glacial fluctuations over the last 1,000 years and found that in the Central Andes, glaciers retreated throughout the twentieth century. They also found that after the little ice age (LIA), most glaciers in Southern Patagonia retreated and that has continued until today. Masiokas et al. (2009) also noticed isolated advances during the first half of the past millennium followed by a glacier reactivation between the seventeenth and nineteenth centuries and a widespread glacier shrinkage afterward.
Tropical Rain Forests are the biomes with most biodiversity; the Amazon Rain Forest is the largest rain forest in world and the most important. The Amazon Rain Forest stretches from the Andes Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean. The rain forest goes into eight countries including Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, and Colombia. (World Book) The Amazon has very unique climate, biodiversity, and limiting factors.
From 1990 to 2005, deforestation, or the removal of trees, was happening at an average rate of 13 million hectares (32.11 million acres) per year (Hope 247). In many ways, deforestation has been the reason for great economic success which turns people on to the idea even more. Deforestation is an essential element in promoting and encouraging developmental growth. Some places around the world may feel obligated to resort to deforestation due to population increases around the world. The concept of deforestation may seem to have a positive impact on society, but many people fail to consider the importance of replanting the trees that were harvested and removed. Deforestation mainly affects North and South America, but because of the Transamazon