
The Information You Need If You Want to Be a News Anchor

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For a person who wants to be an anchor of a news station like me, you think you can talk about everything and anything pertaining to the news, this is incorrect. Every show has regulations set by the Government. This goes for television, radio, newspaper, magazines and even for the internet. If any sort of media fails to abide by these rules, it is easy for the company to be sued or the network to become canceled. If you are part of the “television crowd” and want to go into this career cluster, this information would be very helpful to know.

Cross- Ownership
If you are interested in owning a broadcasting company, you may, however, you would not be allowed to also own a newspaper company at the same time. This is because the Federal Communications Commission A.K.A the FCC will not allow cross-ownership. According to Common Cause (n.d.), the Federal Communications Commission describes cross- ownership as “a single owner depriv(ing) a community of important, diverse source(s) of news, information, and opinion.” This goes to show that if one company were to own both newspaper companies and news stations in one area, then most of its information could be assumed as being biased and one- sided. This is called the cross- ownership ban. Along with broadcast and newspaper cross- ownership, there is also radio and television cross- ownership. This pertains to the number of television and radio stations a company can own in one community. However, the rules on this ban

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