
Similarities Between The Story Of An Hour And The Interlopers

Satisfactory Essays

The Interlopers is a short story and was written by Saki in 1919. The Story of an Hour was written by Kate Chopin in 1894. The Interlopers tell the story of two neighbors trying to hunt each other down. The Story of an Hour is the story of a woman’s feelings in the notice of her husband’s death. Both The Interlopers and The Story of an Hour are two completely different pieces of work. But both stories have similarities and also differences, like the use of irony, character development, and symbolism.

Of the things that both stories share in common is Irony. In The Story of an Hour, the very elements that will eventually kill Mrs. Mallard are presented within the first paragraph. For example, when Chopin writes “knowing that Mrs. Mallard was

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