
Internet Pros And Cons

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Students are constantly staying up late to work on their homework and different projects. They always use the internet to access wide varieties of resources. The internet is accessible just about everywhere we go. Parents don't seem to understand how crucial the internet is today in age. It has offered teenagers access to so many resources that have helped and continue to do so in our daily lives. I believe that the amount of time spent online for teens should not be limited. Today in our world, teenagers are constantly using the internet and sometimes it can get out of hand, but for the most part, teenagers use the internet to their benefit.With our growing society and our new inventions in technology associated with the internet, there are many pros and cons when it comes to having the internet around and I think that the pros outweigh the cons. “Chatting online with others helps young people build social skills,”(Source 2, Step 3) states how most parents think the internet and social media makes teenagers less social, when in reality, many teenagers learn several social skills through online chatting which helps them face to face. Although there are a handful of teenagers who use the internet to move away from social interactions, using the internet more often could help teenagers become more confident in being social. “Most of us learn the hard way to back up data, avoid clicking on mysterious links and save often. As kids explore on the computer, they are picking up

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