
The Invention Of The Automobile

Better Essays

Automobiles are arguably one of the most important inventions in the history of the world. Not only have they allowed us to get from point A to point B in a faster fashion than walking but they have also aided us in new inventions that will greatly benefit the world. Before the birth of the automobile, people had few choices of transportation that could actually get them to a specific location of their choosing. Railroads and boats were modes of transportation that were mainly used for travelling long distances, however for the shorter distances people either had to walk or arrive to their destination by way of horse or horse and carriage. These two modes of transportation were the only ways to get to exactly where you were going and not just in a general area or close to where you were going, as would trains and boats. This all changed with the invention of the automobile. The Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines an automobile as, “a usually four-wheeled automotive vehicle designed for passenger transportation” an invention that would not only revolutionize transportation but also the world. The means by which people would get from one place to another would be completely altered by this single invention. Some people will say that the Ford Model T made in 1908 was the first car ever, however those who claim this are terribly mistaken. The first car ever to be built was the Benz Patent-Motorwagen, designed and created in the year 1886 by German inventor, Karl Benz.

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