
The Iranian Revolution And The Islamic Revolution Essay

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During the Islamic Revolution in the Iran, education was essential to the people. Sha wanted the Western education because he believed that it was best for Iranian people. Most of the women were involved in the demonstration of wearing the veil has some western education. The Islamic revolution wanted things to go back on the Islamic culture. Based on the complete Persepolis, in 1979, a revolution took place, and later called “The Islamic Revolution”. This is the period they were forcing people to do what they don’t want to do. The female was also forced to wear the veil in the school. Education will change a country, especially in undeveloped country. When people getting a quality education it will make life easier for them. Being educated is the most achievement any one can make. The more education you have the more knowledge you gain to solve problem in any situation you encounter yourself. In Marjane’ s life education make here to have confidence and satisfaction in everything she has done. Getting education must be encourage by the people, in our societies. Although, Education has been brought success and the independent in Maryjane’s life. Being educated enables her to find the condemnation of the Iranian government, and to voice out her mind. When Marjane got married to the Reza, she could not withstand the marriage because of the criticism of the women’s right and freedom. She was a strong and independent woman. It was very difficult for Reza to fool her, because

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