
The Is The Right Person Get Elected?

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Every year, in the beginning of November, Americans go out and exercise their right to vote for the people who they think will best represent their country, state and town. In the end not everyone running for an elected position will win, but the victor is the person who the majority wants to represent them as a population. This idea is what we call democracy and it is what the U.S. government is based on; or so we think. After each election, when all of the votes are counted, there are times where the voting margin between the winner and the loser is just too close for comfort. With the enormous population of our country and the sizable populations of our states, this only consistently happens within local government councils and boards. When this does happen, many people think, did the right person get elected? This discomfort is something we cannot change because the results are what they are. However, what if this wasn’t the case? What if there was a way we could ensure that the victor of a close election was the right person for the majority? Today I present to you a policy that will fix this problem that touches every American across our nation. This policy is called the 5% revote policy and states that all local governments will have a revote for town or city council members if the vote margin percentage between the victor and the runner-up is 5% votes or less. I will now show you that this problem exists and why it exists, a real example of this problem and what you

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