
The Issue Of Breast Cancer

Decent Essays

Frame: Issue To hear the word cancer come out of a providers mouth can be one of the scariest times of anyone life. So many questions pop into ones head, what do I have or how did I get it, and what do I do know. Breast and cervical cancer are two of the most common cancers diagnosed in women worldwide (Siegel, Miller, & Jemal, 2015). Breast cancer starts to develop when cells in the breast start to grow out of control and form tumors (American Cancer Society , 2015). The population that breast cancer effects is women, even though men can develop breast cancer too it is not nearly as common as women (American Cancer Society , 2015). In fact breast cancer is so common in women that 1 in 8 women in the United states will have developed breast cancer at some point in their lives (American Cancer Society , 2015). Women who are between the ages of 20-59 years old are often the population who die from breast cancer, 1 in 36 women in this age group will have died from breast cancer (Siegel, et al., 2015). Statistics show that white women have the highest incidence rates of breast cancer out of any of the other races and ethnicities (Siegel, et al., 2015). However, African American women have higher death rates from breast cancer than any other race (American Cancer Society , 2015). This difference in races can contribute to many fact that African American women usually do not have the health insurance or the right health education to inform them about the risks of breast cancer,

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