
The Issue Of Global Warming

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When the issue of global warming comes up in conversations, people usually groan and avoid conversation, and many roll up their sleeves and prepare for a heated debate. Some people feel culpable and concerned; others simply do not care. There exist many contrasting viewpoints which yield very distinctive stances on the subject. While many people may claim disregard on the issue, the media has broadcasted substantial data showing gradual rise in global temperature and the topic has been discussed in schools and seminars around the globe (Santhanam).While there may be developing countries that do not understand or recognize global warming or how humans contribute to it, developed countries are very educated about the situation yet, they are sadly the world’s largest contributors to global warming. The big question for everybody is will those who can act to preserve and maintain the planet do so, or will they remain careless and irresponsible as the world crumbles beneath their feet? Assuming that most individuals admire their beloved planet, many ecologists and environmentalists publish works and deliver speeches cautioning the public in hopes to enlighten and persuade as many people as possible to fight for the future of the planet. Many other scientists merely assume that the general population is acquainted with the science behind the atmosphere, which results in many people disagreeing because they simply do not understand how the buildup of excess carbon dioxide in the

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