
The Issue Of Gun Related Homicide

Decent Essays

Most nations today deal on a daily basis with the pervasive the issue of gun-related homicide. Journalists report on these crimes regularly, and still it is still a regular debate about what variables produce high rates of gun-related homicide. The United States of America boasts one of the highest rates of firearm violence among 1st world nations. Germany, also a 1st world republic, shares a violent past with the United States but sustains a much lower rate of gun homicide. Several variables from within both nations exert influence over this statistic, which makes the homicide rate difficult to predict.
In the poverty-stricken environment that about 15.5% of Germans and 14.5% of Americans live in, many children and young adults feel …show more content…

Millions of the world 's bravest and certainly millions of its poorest migrated in flux to America. These people overpopulated the cities on the coasts and caused more and more people to move inland, towards the Great Plains and the Mojave. People living on both sides of the density spectrum committed crime. In urban areas, ethnic gangs arose, while in the west lawlessness and gun culture emerged as defining characteristics of the times. While today the thought of a "Wild West" seems like old news, the abundance of guns in the U.S. and the presence of gangs has helped produce a "fear thy neighbor" attitude amongst many Americans.
Since Germans do not harbor a fear of their fellow citizens, a variety of variables ranging from crime to unemployment has influenced the sale of firearms to remain steady. This is not the case in the United States. With American people advertently or inadvertently choosing to live in fear. A survey conducted by from July, 2011 to February 2014 surveyed both Germans and Americans and asked respondents, “How safe do you feel walking home at night?”. Results revealed that Germans felt 80% safer walking home at night than Americans did. (, 2017). With this attitude, the United States carries more social, economic, and mental doubt; leading individuals to purchase firearms as a means of creating a buffer between

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