
The Johari Window Model

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Impacts of the Johari Window Model on Society The techniques used to explain the in-depth world of interpersonal communication have had an effect on how people are able to analyze their personal communication skills. From daily communication in classrooms to romantic relationships, clear, concise communication is vital in creating healthy bonds. The Johari Window Model examines the self-perception and what areas of the self require further development in order to have confident conversations with trust and ability to self-disclose information (Gaw n.d., 252). Effective interpersonal communication while at work, self-disclosure in an educational setting, and reflecting on oneself all have the capability to grow if they are gauged with the Johari Window Model.
Communication Concept The Johari Window Model was constructed in the 1950s in America by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingram as a way to assess the particular trait of self-disclosure on an interpersonal level (Saxena, 2015). The window/model separates into four squares the different levels of disclosure and feedback one may be aware of or need to look at. Using this tool gives one the opportunity to take a look at themselves and how they can improve their communication skills (Gaw, n.d.). **photo** The box is divided into four quadrants: Free/Open Arena, Blind Arena, Hidden Arena, and Unknown Arena (Halpern, 2009). Each of the boxes expresses what information would be known to self and what would be known to others and where

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