
The Journey Or The Destination : The Odyssey And Ithaka

Decent Essays

The Journey or the Destination: The Odyssey compared to “Ithaka”
Have you ever found yourself pondering whether the journey or the destination is more important? Both The Odyssey and the poem “Ithaka” ponder this same question. The Odyssey was written by Homer in 700 - 800 B.C. “Ithaka” was written by Cavafy in 1894. In The Odyssey, Odysseus leaves Ithaka to fight in Troy. On his way back, he manages to anger the gods which makes his journey take a lot longer than expected. Both The Odyssey and “Ithaka” talk about a journey, but their views differ on whether the destination or the trip is the most important.
The Odyssey and “Ithaka” have contrasting opinions for if during a journey one’s focus should be on getting home or on staying in the moment. In “Ithaka” they say, “But do not hurry the journey at all./ Better if it lasts for years, /so you are old by the time you reach the island” (Cavafy lines 27-29). The first line of this quote, “But do not hurry the journey at all”(Cavafy 27), states that one should not rush, no matter what happens. It implies that one should “go with the flow”. The next line says a journey is “Better if it lasts for years” (Cavafy 28). This implies that not only should one not rush, but that one should do everything to prolong the journey. The longer the journey, the more adventures, the more life experience, and the more life experience, the more wisdom and knowledge. On the opposite side, Odysseus in The Odyssey states, “I want to go back/ My heart aches for the day I return to my home”(Homer 5.219-220) This shows Odysseus not living in the present, but living in the future. The way Homer shows this in his writing is by using the word “aches”. “Aches” implies a long continuous pain as opposed to a sting. It would change the meaning if Homer wrote, “My heart stings for the day I return to my home”. If he wrote this it would imply that Odysseus was only having short lived, intermittent pain. By Odysseus having continuous pain, it shows that he is only living in the future, and that he wants to do everything he can to get back as fast as possible.
Although Odysseus wants to get home as fast as possible, that does not mean he did not have an adventure, but the opinion of whether the

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