
The Key Role of Grandparents in Providing Childcare in Today´s Society

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Grandparents are commonly perceived by grandchildren to be the person they spend school holidays with, or for festive celebrations such as Christmas. Grandparents are also known to be the family traditions preserver. They assume the responsibility to pass down knowledge and tales of family traditions and history to their grandchildren. Where family homes consist of three generations, grandchildren perceived grandfathers as a mentor or fellow companion while their fathers go out to work and grandmothers as the person who runs the house along with the mothers. In such relationship, the grandparents naturally instil a sense of belonging and identity in the grandchildren (Timonen et al., 2009, p. 134). Within the past few decades, modern …show more content…

206). In supporting their family, grandparents have been known to also provide both financial and emotional support. They are arguably expected to be available at times when they are needed. Often they are more than willing to offer and provide any necessary assistance (Jendrek, 1994). Grandparents are ultimately parents. They become grandparents when their children produce their own offspring. Often the relationship with their family becomes stronger and better with the existence of the grandchildren. Grandparents have claimed to be more affectionate and invested in their relationship with their grandchildren to make up for the missed opportunities with their own children (Jendrek, 1993; Uglow, 2012).

In order to understand the roles of grandparents in supporting the modern family, it is important to specify the scope of “modern family” within the context of this discussion. A basic traditional family refers to a unit of married couple where the father is the breadwinner and the mother being the homemaker (Benokraitis, 2007; Parsons and Bales, 1956 cited in Farrell et al., 2012, p. 284). Changes to the three key elements of a traditional family as defined above lead to a new family structure, which is the “modern family”. There are many other elements contributing to the

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