
The Kidnappinging Of The Lindbergh And The Kidnappings

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March 1, 1932 just after 10:00 pm Betty Gow, a nursemaid for the notorious Lindbergh family, approached Anne Lindebergh asking if she had taken the baby from his nursery room. Moments later it was discovered that the baby had been kidnapped directly from the second story of the Lindbergh’s home and a ransom note for 50,000 dollars left on the windowsill. News Fig. 1 traveled fast and soon Newspapers alike were reporting on the kidnapping on the Lindbergh’s infant child(Fig1) where the only evidence left was the ransom note, the ladder, a chisel, and the absence of the child. All hope seemed lost when even after the ransom was paid the infant came up dead in the woods not far from the home with few evidence leading to who might have done this terrible act, but little did they know the evidence found was just enough to catch the kidnapper. On September, 1934 Bruno Richard Hauptmann, a carpenter from the Bronx, was discovered using a ten dollar gold note ransom bill to pay for gas linking him directly to the crime. Following the Incarceration police found $14,000 of the Lindbergh’s money stashed in the suspect garage and various other evidence linking him to the kidnapping(1). Case The case began with a search of the premises soon after the child had been found missing which yielded in the discovery of a ransom note demanding $50,000 for the return of the child. Traces of mud were next unearthed on the floor of the nursery while unidentifiable footprints were found under the

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