
The Kinsey Scale

Better Essays

Human Sexuality 21
Professor Lanoix
December 4, 2012
Pros and Cons of the Kinsey’s Scale
Sex was such a horrible topic to talk about, but a biologist of Indiana University introduced a scale that broke the silence. The silence changed due to this biologist named Alfred C. Kinsey (1894-1956). Kinsey broke the silence because before the scale everyone would keep their sexual orientation to themselves and most likely did not tell anyone. In other words, he was a great influence to people because since then people have become a bit more open about themselves. The importance of Kinsey is that he has conducted several of researches. For instance, on one of his research he found out that many people had sexual experiences with both female …show more content…

They would view the life of homosexuals with a clear mind that isn’t going to judge instead of fighting against what they have been taught since birth. The gender roles teach people how to act according to their sex; if someone goes against the traditional teachings than they are viewed as outcasts. Society looks at them as a mishap. This article strengthens the Kinsey scale because it shows how subjective views can affect the lives of people for the worse. For example, the subjective bias view of Wardle, a law professor at Brigham Young University has affected the lives of homosexuals in several states because he:
charged the legal profession and social scientists with an ideological bias favoring gay rights that has compromised most research in this field and the liberal judicial and policy decisions it has informed. He presented a harshly critical assessment of the research and argued for a presumptive judicial standard in favor of awarding child custody to heterosexual married couples. The following year, Wardle drafted new state regulations in Utah that restrict adoption and foster care placements to households in which all adults are related by blood or marriage (Biblarz & Stacey 2001).
Wardle’s state regulations spread to “Florida, Arkansas, and Mississippi [they] have [also] imposed restrictions on adoption and/or foster care, and such bills have been introduced in the legislatures of 10 additional states” (Biblarz & Stacey 2001).
Paul Cameron,

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