
The Knights and Miller´s Tale in Chaucer´s The Canterbury Tales

Decent Essays

The tales I chose were the Knights tale and the Millers tale. I chose the Knight’s tale because I was in the mood to hear a love story and I chose the Miller’s because I thought it was pretty funny. Disturbing, but funny. The story I chose to win was the knights tale because it speaks of love and chivalry, it’s also appropriate, and I think the Host would appreciate his story.
In the prologue it talks about how The Host was like I want someone who is gonna have a nice tale to go next and the Miller who is always drunk said that he would go and The Host said no, so the Miller offered to leave. The Host being the nice guy that he is, said he could go so he wouldn’t leave. In the Knights tale he tells the story of a king named Theseus who …show more content…

Theseus finds them in the woods attacking each other. They both confess their love for his sister-in-law and suggest they both die, but the queen and sister-in-law won’t allow it, so Theseus says the will duel it out with fifty of the finest men. The winner gets the garden maiden. Now the Miller’s turn was up, even though the Host asked the Monk to go. The Miller being the drunk he is promises he has a “noble” and appropriate story that will repay the Knight’s(31260.) The Miller introduces his tale as the legend and life of Carpenter and his wife and how the Clerk made a fool out of the carpenter and everyone now that means the Clerk slept with the Carpenters wife(3141-3143.) Nicholas is a student who studies astrology and lives with a Carpenter who had a sexy 18-year old wife. The Carpenter leaves one day and Nicholas starts flirting with the Carpenters wife and she agreed to have sex with him. She’s afraid the Carpenter will find out,but Nicholas is convinced he can outwit him. Nicholas isn’t the only man in love with the Carpenter’s wife, a Clerk also loved her. He seduces her every night. He buys her gifts and gives her money, but even with all the stuff the Clerk gives her she loves Nicholas. Nicholas allows the Clerk to spend one night with his lover. He stays in his room and John has the servant go check on him. the servant said he is very sick, so John goes to see for himself. Nicholas tells John he had a vision.

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