
The Lake Of Dreams Lucy Character Analysis

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While I was reading the book The Lake of Dreams by Kim Edwards I noticed that after realizes how alike her and her great-great aunt Rose are, Lucy discovers herself. In the book Lucy uncovers letters written by her great-great aunt that show that she was written out of the family history due to her involvement in a women’s rights protest. These letters show that like Lucy, Rose yearned for knowledge, felt a strong connection to god, and both find a place in the world at the end. Lucy shares character traits with her great-great aunt that help her get her life back on track. One trait that Lucy shares with Rose is her intelligence and yearn to learn more. Lucy satisfies her hunger by studying and working abroad. In her letters, Rose writes “Mrs Elliot says I am thirsty for words and she gave mr books. I read the poem again and again.(193)” This shows that even to Mrs. Elliot who Rose had just met, her need to learn was apparent. When Lucy reads this letter she feels …show more content…

Rose wanted to be a priest and loved the church during her youth. Lucy grew up going to church twice a week. When she was a teenager she was one of the first girls to become an acolyte. Lucy describes that in church she feels a “sense of mystery,of longing and longing answered [in church].(76)” This shows how Lucy feels a strong connection to god. Rose feels this as well and describes being in the church as “something beyond the familiar in [church], something silent but just out of sight present, welling up. (216)” This quote is similar to Lucy’s feeling about church and shows how alike Rose and Lucy are. Like Lucy, Rose loved church and wanted to break the gender barriers there. Although Rose aspired to be a priest she could never become one due to age old rules. Lucy gravitates back to the place she felt most at peace in due to Rose. Lucy’s rediscovered peace helps her dispose of the stress that plagues

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