
The Leadership Challenge By Kouzes & Posner

Decent Essays

Introduction The ability to become a leader is easy, but the knowledge to lead wisely is the challenge. This paper will highlight Kouzes’s & Posner’s 5 practices of an extraordinary leader, the concepts of leadership, integrate leadership concepts module 9 and other modules, the authors analysis of his leadership abilities, the author’s leadership philosophy, and the author’s best thing learned while in Leadership Challenges.
Five Practices of Extraordinary Leaders The book, The Leadership Challenge written by Kouzes & Posner narrates the five leadership principles that are practiced by all leaders, no matter their title. Every leader, no matter how effective their leadership abilities practice these traits to some degree. In addition, every leader will have one or more trait be dominate, which inversely would create a less practice trait. The five traits are model the way, inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable other to act, and encourage the heart. The Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI) is a tool used to analyze and inventory individual’s strengths, but is not a tool to portray the lowest value as a weakness rather than trait not commonly utilized. Out of the five traits, enable others to act is my strongest most predominate trait according the LPI. As a leader being a cheerleader to help aid the progress of my peers is a feature that I take pride in. These cheerleading attributes stem from my genuine concern for my peers. By building and

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