
The Legacy Of Abraham Lincoln

Better Essays

Austin Leishman
Political Science 1100
Dr. Michael Petersen
Abraham Lincoln I chose to do my research project on one of our presidents and the president I chose is Abraham Lincoln. I chose to do it on Lincoln because in my eyes and in the eyes of many other people, he was our nation 's greatest president. He was considered our greatest president for everything he was and stood for and for all the things he did for our country. The first thing people should know about lincoln is that he did not grow up in a rich or famous family and that his education and schooling was limited and that he learned most from books and progressed from there. Later on as president lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation which came into effect as of …show more content…

His mother’s death was very hard for him and put a lot of responsibility on Lincoln and his sister at a young age. His father, Thomas, later married Sarah Bush and she and Lincoln got along very well. Lincoln didn’t really have the opportunity to get a great education but was able to learn the basics like reading and writing and kind of taught himself from there. After he learned to read he became very interested in books and would read anything he could get his hands on. In a biography I read it says “Neighbors recalled how Abraham would walk for miles to borrow a book.” ( Awhile later the Lincolns moved again to Illinois to a place called Macon County where Abraham really began his life and worked hard and worked in many areas doing many things. His work and friendly attitude made him well like by the people of his town and ultimately helped gain his position in politics. Lincoln originally started in politics as a member of the whig party and served one term on the house of U.S. House of Representatives. Lincoln wasn’t the most popular member of the house and his views on the Mexican American war didn’t help him out so he decided to go back home and practice law get married and have a family before returning to politics as a republican. In the presidential election of 1860 Abraham Lincoln was elected as our nation 's sixteenth president. He beat three other candidates which were Stephen Douglas, John Bell,

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