
The Legacy Of Helen Keller

Satisfactory Essays

Helen Keller was inspiration to other people even she is blind, deaf, and dumb. When she was a buby, she get sick and she can not hear, listen, and see. Her parents found a teacher for her, who taught her sign longe by using her hand, She want on to graduate Radcliffe College in 1904, and made it her life's mission to help the blind. She did this by speaking to business about people to help pay for radios for poor blind children in New York City, and touring 35 countries to rest money to blind people. In lately, she visited injure people to help them healing. As professor papanek, a noted poet, observes, in his 1965 letter to her, “how your love inspires the children to carry on in spite of that she was so happy when she help the blind people.

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