
The Ethical Proof Of Helen Keller's Speech

Decent Essays

I. Invention

A. Research resources
Helen Keller did not research topics for her speech. However, she did have to learn how to talk by the help of her friend, Anne Sullivan. Helen learned how to speak by feeling the vibrations of Anne’s voice and feeling the positions of her tong with her finger. Knowing Helen Keller was blind and deaf she did not research her speech topic she did however learn how to speak words.

B. Methods of influencing an audience
1. Ethical proof
I do think that Helen Keller knew what she was talking about. She asked the questions “imagine how you would feel if you were strictly blind today.” She explained how she was an opportunity for the Lions International Convention. She wants to be adopted and be their friend. Helen had good will and character; I find it amazing that she was able to learn how to talk. I got this impression from thinking of how difficult it would be to learn how to talk if you could not hear or see.
2. Emotional Proof
I think I did have a need for this information. Her …show more content…

She did not have to define technical terms since there was none that needed further explaining. I do not think that there was access verbiage and that Helen explained her points. I think that the language in this speech was appropriate, since there were no cuss words or anything children should not hear. In my opinion, Helen’s most vivid supporting material was when she had the audience imagine what it would be like if they were blind and or deaf. She explained how they would have to learn how to when it was day or night and how they would be running into things all the time. Having the audience put this into perspective allows them to realize what she goes through every day. To my knowledge, I think that Helen Keller had good grammar use, especially since she is blind and deaf and learn how to speak by the vibrations of when Anne

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