
The Legend Of Santa Claus

Decent Essays

“Mommy! Is Santa Claus coming tomorrow?” The two-year-old child ran up to her mother joyfully as her two pigtails bounced up and down. “Ugh...your dad...I mean Santa Claus will come and bring you presents.” The mother nervously answered her question. “You promise mommy?” The innocent child looked up at her mother giving her all of her trust. “Yes, I promise.” She broke into a sweat and her hand began to feel clammy against her bouncing knee. Her conscious begged her not fabricate any false myths to her young and gullible child. The legend of Santa Claus can be followed back hundreds of years by a priest named St. Nicholas. And since then, millions of children have been lied to about a “fat man that comes to one’s house to steal cookies and brings people presents.” Parents have argued that telling one’s children is not harmful at all. And they are just carrying a tradition that their parents have passed down to them. It is unbelievable that parents can have the audacity to look into their children’s eyes and tell them that Santa exists, thus from my perspective, parents should stop lying to their children. Many may wonder why telling their children that a fat man comes to sneak in their house in the middle of the night to drop off materialistic items is a big deal. Little did they know that deceiving their children is unhealthy for their mental health. Psychologist Christopher Boyle and mental health researcher Kathy McKay explain that this is important to point out

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