
The Letters Of Abelard And Heloise

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In the book The Letters of Abelard and Heloise, Abelard and Heloise’s relationship changes dramatically as seen in their love letters. At first, their relationship was very sexual based while they were together. I feel that the shift in their relationship happened when they became physically separated. As soon as the separation occurred, their relationship became a primarily chaste relationship. My goal in this paper is to demonstrate why I feel that Abelard and Heloise’s relationship changed from a sexual based relationship to a chaste based relationship because of the material realities and the change in the understanding of their relationship. To do this, I will first analyze the change in material realities and how that effected the relationship. Next, I will talk about what I think the initial understanding of the relationship is for both Abelard and Heloise. Then, I will tell how Abelard changed Heloise’s understanding of the relationship. Then, I will explain their Heloise’s new understanding of the relationship. Finally I will conclude by summarizing the how the relationship changed and why the change happened.
Their relationship started when Abelard was hired by Heloise’s uncle to be her teacher and live in his home with Heloise and himself. In the beginning of their relationship, Abelard was just Heloise’s teacher and mentor, but he had another plan for the relationship. He put his plan into action and the relationship turned extremely sexual. When Heloise’s uncle

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