
The Links Between The C3 Framework And Aristotle's First Big Ideas

Decent Essays

Attention: “A fundamental purpose of education in the United States is to prepare young people for civic life, and social studies is especially valuable for that purpose.” This sentence grabbed my attention because I think it is important to prepare young students for civic life. As teachers we give the gift of educating our students who follow us about justice, rights, the rule of law, and how to make a difference. “As Aristotle first argued, learning to be an active and responsible citizen requires experience.” I agree with this sentence because experiences will help students learn better about how to be a responsible citizen. Students can be told information about being a citizen but if they do not actually experience being a citizen …show more content…

If students do not have interest in topic or assignment then students will not try new or exotic experiences. When students are interested they will process the information more efficiently and pay close attention. “Explanations and arguments are at the heart of the ways in which students present their ideas.” This sentence grabbed my attention because I think it is important to encourage active learning. Students do not learn just by sitting and listening to the teachers. I think students must talk about what they are learning and present their own ideas. Big Ideas: The Links between the C3 Framework and the NCSS for Social Studies The first big idea is how the C3 Framework focuses primarily on an inquiry-based approach to acquire important conceptual understandings. The framework guides states in their efforts to upgrade their social studies standards. The second big idea is the 2010 NCSS Standards present the ten themes of social studies that can help guide curriculum writers. The third big idea is a table that presented th4 similarities of the pedagogical approaches of the C3 Framework and the 2010 NCSS National Curriculum Standards. Big Ideas: The Potential of the C3

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