
The Long Term Health Improvement Of The Rural Population

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Economics and Healthcare
The long-term health improvement of the rural population through access to services, clinics, hospitals and doctors works as a reciprocal relationship with the economic health of the community (Rural Assistance Center, 2015). All rural communities are unique, and some have more access to health care services than others. When health services and professionals are available in a rural area, it can truly begin a process of expanding economic growth and development. The creation of jobs in the healthcare field, or in a business that supports the healthcare industry, improves the local economy (Rural Assistance Center, 2015). “Rural hospitals are often one of the largest employers in their community. They offer some of the best-paying jobs available in rural areas, bringing professionals to live and spend money in the community” (Rural Assistance Center, 2015). The creation of jobs within industries that support healthcare also thrive.

For every job in a Critical Access Hospital, another 0.38 job is created in other businesses and industries in the local economy. For every $1 paid by a Critical Access Hospital for hospital construction, another $0.24 is created in other businesses and industries within the local economy (Rural Assistance Center, 2015).
Individuals not only see health outcomes and access to healthcare improve but see bolstered economic connections through additional job opportunities or business relationships. The rural

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