
The Lord of the Flies by William Golding

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The novel Lord of the Flies presents the themes of evil and sin as an innate, inevitable and negative feature throughout the novel, similar to the play The Crucible. William Golding uses Lord of the Flies as an allegory to present evil and sin through different symbols within the novel, with boys being trapped on an island. Arthur Miller presents evil and sin through a contextual, Puritan society within various characters. Even though both writers present these themes, Golding presents it in the lack of female presence and Miller presents it mainly from a female perspective. If one is to commit a sin, it is an act against God but for someone to be considered evil, a person is “profoundly immoral and wicked” In light of this comment, one is able to argue that evil and sin are natural due to the Fall of Man, embedding this evil and sin within us all, making it inescapable and inevitable.
In light of the comment above, evil and sin is examined in the presentation of the Devil and the witch hunt in Lord of The Flies and The Crucible. Golding uses the metaphorical symbol of a sow’s head in Lord of the Flies, naming it “The Lord of the Flies” with a literal meaning of Beelzebub or the Devil, implying that it is a figure of evil. Evil is presented in a physical form, to emphasise that the boys’ fear has been overcome by violence and savagery, which is a parallel to the accusations in The Crucible. Similarly, the Puritan society has been diminished by the girls, disrupting their

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