
The Lost Gospel Q Unreciprocated Virtue

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Unreciprocated Compassion One of the most important ideas Jesus stressed during his short ministry was the idea of compassion regardless of whether it is reciprocated or not. Unlike many teachers and religious authorities of the time, Jesus advocated compassion over holiness, or laws. This is evident from his quotes within the Lost Gospel Q, and it reveals that compassion was the heart behind his message and ministry. My passage from the Lost Gospel Q about showing compassion to one’s enemy without expecting anything in return is important to the overall understanding of the Lost Gospel Q because it illustrates the repetitive idea of unreciprocated compassion in Jesus’ message that set Him apart from other teachers. The Lost Gospel Q is shrouded in mystery, and the identity of the author as well as the transcripts of the original copy are still unknown to this day. It is believed that the Lost Gospel Q was “written in the 50’s of the first century, only a …show more content…

This unknown source of overlapping material between Matthew and Luke was named “The Lost Gospel Q” after the German word ‘Quelle’, or source (Borg, Marcus). The Lost Gospel Q is a ‘sayings gospel’ in the sense that it is primarily a compilation of Jesus’ sayings, rather than a narrative account of his birth, baptism and crucifixion like the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke (Borg, Marcus). The Q can be split up into 3 different categories including wisdom teaching, conflict or judgement sayings, and teachings about Jesus himself

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