
The Lottery Short Story Analysis

Decent Essays

Shirley Jackson is known for her creative writing and plot twisting stories such as “The Possibility of Evil” and “The Lottery”. Jackson always finds a way to leave the reader somewhat confused and wanting to read more. In both of these stories it is a small town where everyone knows one another but something about each of these towns isn't right. In “The Lottery” it turns out that each year, one family, then individual from that family is chosen to be stoned to death for a sacrifice. Then in “The Possibility of Evil” it turns out that one old woman has been writing rude anonymous letters to the people of the town. In both essays Jackson uses many literary devices that help her create these stories that she is so known for. Some of the literary devices she uses are situational and verbal irony, and mood and foreshadowing. She uses a fair amount of all three of these throughout her short stories.
One of the literary devices used in both “The Lottery” and “The Possibility of Evil” was irony. In “The Lottery” the woman, Mrs. Hutchinson, who ends up getting stoned to death is the one who happens to be running late “Mrs. Hutchinson came hurriedly along the path the the square, her sweater thrown over her shoulders, and slid into place in the back of the back of the crowd.” (Jackson, P. 9) This is situational irony because of course the woman who comes late and is acting so casual about the whole Lottery is going to be the woman that gets stoned to death. Another piece of

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