
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson

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A stereotype is a generalization that is used to describe a group, race, or a gender of people. The term is often used in a negative connotation that attributes to certain characteristics. The ideology of stereotypical gender roles are universal throughout all cultures and races. In “The Lottery”, Shirley Jackson details the obvious stereotypes in the small village where the story takes place. Jackson shows many contrasting view of the roles of men and women in “The Lottery”. Also, she represents those that are often present in our own society. This story administers an unfair distinction in role status between men and women. Gender roles are portrayed in the very beginning of story until the climatic ending.
Gender roles start to become within the scope of knowledge in the beginning of the story. They start to become evident among the villagers; even the children are guided by these social norms. Jackson illustrates this early on in the story when the boys are collecting stones for the lottery “Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones” (388). By doing this, it represents the masculine nature of the boys. The idea of men doing the physical labor is manifested through the boys picking up the rocks. At the same time, the author represents the feminine nature of the girls when she stated “The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders

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