
The Lovely Bones Theme Essay

Decent Essays

Succeeded With Love “Don’t worry, Susie; he has a nice life. He’s trapped in a perfect world.” (Sebold 4.) says Jack Salmon to his first born daughter, Susie. However, Susie Salmon would soon find out that not everyone is blessed enough to live in such a perfect world. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold is an excellent read because it speaks of how passionate one can be for their family. Susie Salmon was raped and murdered by local neighbor and serial killer, Mr. George Harvey. Susie now recapped her story as she sat in heaven; she watched her family and friends, still living and grieving for her absence. 105 A theme that occurs in The Lovely Bones is: love makes one forget the world around them. Susie reincarnated back into another teen girl’s body to spend one final night with her crush, Ray Singhs. The readers are learning that love can make one forget the harsh realities of this world. “Ray stared at me, mystified. He leaned his head down and our lips touched, tender. Another kiss, precious package, stolen gift.” (Sebold 303.) Susie got the privilege to come back to Earth and forget the events that caused her to be in heaven in the first …show more content…

This particular passage had many wonderful themes that were clearly seen by the readers. This example of work showed how much love one can have for their family and how undying a father’s love could be towards his little girl. This novel also had the power to exert a strong use of literary devices to help the readers clearly imagine the events and were able to visualize themselves in the story with the characters. “These were the lovely bones that had grown about my absence: the connections - sometimes tenuous, sometimes made at great costs, but often magnificent - that happened after I was gone, And I began to see things in a way that let me hold the earth without me in it.” (Sebold 320.)

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