
The Major Relationships Of Criminal Behavior

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Age is one of the biggest relationships of criminal behavior. There are many explanations for the relationship and they are all conflicting. Knowing the relationship between the two can allow us to know what ages are most likely to do certain crimes and what ages are most likely to do crime in general. That will allow us to prepare age groups and teach them right from wrong. If we know a person at 18 years old is most likely to perform a certain type of crime we can correctly educate people around that age about crime and re-teach right from wrong. Whether it is in school or neighborhood programs, we can correctly prepare for the events that may end up happening.
According to Gary Sweeten of the School of Criminology and Criminal …show more content…

According to this chart from the article “From Juvenile Delinquency to Young Adult Offending” by the National Institute of Justice, it shows violent crime is most common within 18-19 year olds. Both age groups have the highest percentage arrest rate for violent crime above 11%! 16 year olds also have a high percentage at 10%, the fourth highest percentage on the chart. 21 year olds are also at a high percentage with over 10%. The chart ultimately shows that it is not uncommon for violent crime to start at such a young age of 16 but it eventually peaks and is most common at 18 and 19. It starts to slow down by age 20 as the percentage lowers to about 9% but then jumps back up into double digits at age 21 going to 10.5%. It then decreases dramatically age 21-22 by dropping 4% before climbing back up to nearly 95 by age 23. From there it is a steady decreasing percentage as the age increases. All of this is commonly referred to as the age-crime curve. However the specifics of the curve can vary in different ways according to the National Institute of Justice. They have found “The curve for violence tends to peak later than that for property crimes. Girls peak earlier than boys. Also, the curve is higher and wider for young males (especially minorities) growing up in the most disadvantaged neighborhoods” (From Juvenile

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