
The Man Who Changed Our World

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When Muhammad was visited by the Archangel Gabriel in 610 C.E., this event would set in motion an idea which would grow to have a dominating affect on nearly one-third of the world 's future population, affecting how they live, marry, eat, and their proclivity for war. It is very rare that a single individual would put forth an idea so foundational to the very life of the world that grew in its and his wake, and an idea whose impact would be felt in world affairs for centuries to follow. Arguably, it has happened only once before, and that was 600 years before the time of Muhammad, which is the time of the preachings of a man called Jesus Christ.

Muhammad was born around 570 C.E. His father died before …show more content…

Shortly after Muhammad 's death, the messages given to him by the angel, which his followers accepted to be "the words of God," were written down in a book called the "Qur 'an."

By the time of Muhammad 's death, Islam had become the primary religion of most of the Arabian Peninsula (Gordon 16). But it 's real influence, and his phenomenal legacy, was just beginning.

While many believe Islam initially spread because it was forced on those who lost the many wars of conquest, others argue that the conquered people willingly accepted what they believed were the benefits of worshiping a stronger, more victorious God. Islam also spread peacefully into areas where local rulers made alliances with caliphs, the chief Muslim civil and religious rulers, who, rather than his adopted son, are regarded as the successors of Muhammad (Wilkins 22). All of Muhammad 's natural sons are believed to have died in early childhood. Some followers thought his adopted son should be the natural leader of Islam upon the death of Muhammad, but that leadership was assumed by the caliphs with the strongest armies. Some might see this as an omen for this religion 's famous thirst for war.

Islam spread rapidly after Muhammad 's death, by both conquest as well as the conversion of pagans who had no strong religious views (Gordon 14). The spread of Islam was made

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