
The Manhattan Project Essay

Decent Essays

The Manhattan Project was a very important event throughout the World War II history. It began the development of the atomic bomb and other nuclear weapons that were of good help during the war. It first began with a German scientist separating the uranium atom, which made people be scared of what Hitler might be capable of. Also Hitler and his people had begun discovering new types of weapons that were useful for them in the war. Something that apparently Hitler did not quite think about, was the persecution of Jewish scientists such as Albert Einstein, who could very well use his abilities against Hitler. Albert Einstein was a Jewish refugee in the United States. Another very important scientist, although not Jewish, was Enrico Fermi, …show more content…

On July of 1945, J Robert Oppenheimer tests the first bomb at Trinity State, near Alamogordo, New Mexico. All the scientists readied themselves to watch the detonation of this atomic bomb which stood on top of a tower. Once exploded, there was a blinding flash which could be seen from 200 miles away. It also grew up to 40,000 feet and damaged some of the homes near it that were 100 miles away. After this explosion President Truman, all the way from Postdam, Germany, declares that the project was successful. Later on we see how there were more bombings being made, not only this one at Trinity State. The United States was trying to make Japan surrender but they denied it. Because of this the United States developed a new bomb named little boy which was detonated in Hiroshima, Japan. On August 6, 1945 it exploded with an altitude of 1,750 feet. Over 69% of Hiroshima’s buildings were destroyed and about 7% damaged. About 80,000 (or about 30%) of the people in Hiroshima were killed instantly and another 70,000 were injured. After this occurring, Japan still didn’t want to surrender which caused the United States to develop another bomb. In August 9, 1945, the next bomb named Fat Man took place at Nagasaki, Japan. This attack destroyed about 44% of the city, killed about 35,000 people and about 60,000 were injured. Emperor Hirohito from Japan had enough of these bomb attacks and finally decided to surrender. He was already

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