
Essay on The Marburg Hemorrhagic Fever Description

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Marburg Virus, or the Marburg hemorrhagic fever (MHF), is a very deadly virus. It has a fatality rate anywhere from 24% all the way up to 88% if an outbreak occurs. The Marburg virus takes its name from Marburg, Germany; which is the place where it was initially detected in the year of our Lord 1967. There were other outbreaks of this virus in Frankfurt, Germany and also in Belgrade, Serbia. The main carrier of this virus is believed to be the rousettus aegypti, or fruit bat. Once a human has come into contact with this virus it is easily spread among other humans. Most notably through through bodily fluids exchanged through sexual intercourse or when coming into contact with the …show more content…

The areas where bleeding can start are the intravenous areas. This can be very problematic as a patient will continue to bleed when being given fluids through an IV. You can bleed from the nose, and the gums around your teeth. In females bleeding can also occur from the vagina. During this extreme phase of the virus, the patient will continue to have a high fever. This can result in the patient becoming confused, easily frustrated and quick to anger. Once this high fever has set in, males can suffer from a symptom called orchitis; which the inflammation of one or both of the testicles. Death usually happens around the eighth or ninth day after the first of the symptoms, usually due to severe blood loss and shock.
Often times the Marburg Virus can be misdiagnosed with as other illnesses such as: malaria, typhoid fever, shigellosis, cholera, leptospirosis, plague, rickettsiosis, relapsing fever, meningitis, hepatitis and other viral haemorrhagic fevers. The Marburg virus can only be diagnosed definitively by a laboratory using the the following tests: enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), antigen detection tests serum neutralization test, reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay, and a virus isolation by cell culture. Because of the severity of this virus tests are sent to laboratories that have only the highest of biological agent protection. There is currently no treatment or vaccine for the Marburg

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