
The Meaning Of Privacy In The Modern World

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Over time, the meaning of privacy can be altered and described in so many ways making it unique to every individual. New apps and social sites like Instagram, Facebook, instant messaging, and Snapchat has made it easier for everyone to share moments of their life with others around the world. It is believed by many citizens that things that are not shared on social sites and blogs by them are automatically kept private but that may not be the case. In a recent article called Visible Man: Ethics in a World without Secrets, author Peter Singer goes into discussion describing the meaning of privacy in the modern world. Reveling that the government and other authoritative figures are using their powers to invade in citizens everyday life with the impression that it will help keep the world we live in a safer place. There are websites that Singer provides in the article called Wikileaks and Anonymous that are created to release government official documents and tabs on citizens basically showcasing that the government may be doing more than just protecting citizens. There is no doubt that the population is rapidly growing which means there is in increases in the amount of dangers people are subjected to be exposed to on the daily basis. It is the responsibility of the government and police officials to ensure that everyone feels safe and protected but it should not be at the expense of violating innocent individual’s privacy. All citizens should believe that because they are

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