
The Medical Microbiology Is An Aspect Of Microbiology Sciences

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Medical microbiology is an aspect of microbiology sciences. Microbiological systems play a vital role in people’s everyday life. Specifically, bacteria maintain processes within and on the body. Bacteria can also cause disease from an infection of the opportunistic bacteria living symbiotically with people or foreign bacteria introduced from various plausible sources.

The identification of the unknown bacteria was accomplished by an independent study of numerous biochemical tests. The tests gave physiological information about the morphology, type of respiration, energy sources, and metabolic processes. The test results indicated the bacteria was Escherichia coli.

Materials & Methods
Unknown microorganism (#33) was obtained …show more content…

It also provided a differential media for non-lactose fermenters producing colorless colonies while lactose ferments create an acidic environment producing reddish, dark- colored colonies. The blood agar is a differential media for similar Steptococcaceae and Enterococcaceae growing on the media with varying hemolytic growth patterns. Some streptococci and enterococci produce alpha-hemolysis by partial lysis of the cell by breaking down the hemoglobin in the red blood cells in the agar producing a dark-greenish color around the colonies. The beta-hemolysis growth pattern of some of the others release endotoxins resulting in complete lysis of the red blood cells giving a clear zone around the colonies. The bacteria that do not carry out any kind of hemolysis of blood agar have a growth pattern called gamma-hemolysis with colorless colonies on the agar.

Oxidation and fermentation
MR-VP test
Methyl Red - Voges Proskauer (MR-VP) is a media that contains glucose with buffering agents, peptone and dipotassium phosphate. In a methyl red test, three drops of the pH indicator, methyl red, is added to the broth that will immediately indicate if mixed acid fermentation has taken place. Methyl red test is to examine if the bacterium’s fermentation of glucose results in mixed products of lactic, acetic, succinic, and formic acids
Voges-Proskauer test indicates whether the bacterium ferments glucose into some organic acids and 2,3-butanediol by adding six drops of

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