
The Memory Of Memory And Memory

Decent Essays

A fact that cannot be denied is that human beings rely on their memory a lot, not only to remember special events or memorise facts that have been learned but also to recall processes and routines executed on a daily basis. Memory can be defined as a system that processes information in the mind, which consists of three stages; namely encoding, storage, and retrieval (Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary, 2012). Encoding refers to the receiving and modification of an informational stimulus so that it can be embedded in the memory. Storage is the next memory stage, in which information is retained and kept available until it is needed again. Information is more likely to be stored in the long term if it is continuously used and rehearsed. The …show more content…

The oldest recorded example of a mnemonic device is the method of loci, which was created back in the Ancient Greek era (Robson, 2011). This method involves visual imagery by relating new information to specific locations in a familiar place to a person. When this association is established, a person can recall the new information relative to the landmarks of the familiar location. Besides that, chunking is also another type of mnemonic device, in which a large piece of information is broken down into smaller chunks. A theory by Jacobs (1890), as cited in Holt & Lewis (2008), stated that the capacity of the short-term memory is about 5 to 9 chunks. Therefore, chunking lengthy information into smaller sections can help the human brain to encode more information at a higher rate, so that they can be stored easily. Other mnemonic devices include acronyms, keyword method, and narrative chaining.
Mnemonic devices have been proven to work very well for memory enhancement. The information learned via mnemonic devices tends to be remembered better for a longer period as compared to other memorisation techniques such as rote learning. Rote learning refers to a method of memorisation based on repetition without fully understanding or focusing on what is being committed to memory (Stevens & Bernier, 2013). While most people believe that repetition is the best way to remember information, the context of the

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