
The Minoans In Ancient Greece

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The Bronze age was one of the most significant periods in the history of the ancient Greeks, lasting for estimated 3000 years the bronze age was a period which saw many different advances in economy and technology such advancements include the introduction of the metal bronze which was used on a daily bases from knives , armour, helmets, decorations, jewellery and more it was one of the most important materials in specific time in history leading Greece to be one of the most important countries in the Mediterranean. To identify the people of that time historians have linked it to two significant civilizations of that time; Mycenaean and the Minoans, these two civilisations coincided throughout Greece. The Minoans were known to occupy …show more content…

Society/ Structure:
Minoan civilisation is the first to have been considered as "Western, emerging from the prehistoric state thus the reason for becoming the Mycenaean society for following their steps. The Minoan communities were organised in both small and large settlements which numbered from around 300 people to approx. 1000 people on average.

2. Political system: The Minoan civilisation had many western views in their politically system in looking at the context in time no other civilisations allowed women to be a centre part of it. In the political hierarchy of the Minoan the royalty of the civilisation were kings and queen and man most parts of the society the Minoan society allowed women to be a part of the political hierarchy., Women in the Minoan society were allowed basically just as much freedom as the man and were permitted to run the entire civilisation themselves their families , allow their the same jobs as men, were permitted to participate in the same sports and, women in the Minoan society were even allowed land ownership which was a major “western” outlook the Minoan civilization allowed in as the The political system was completely centralised and based on land ownership, in some cases in the Minoan society the popular sports women and men were both allowed to compete together including wrestling and …show more content…

The Minoans maintained a massive and impressive fleet of ships.
Evidence of Minoan products and cultural influences have been found in mainland Greece, Asia Minor, the entire Mediterranean coast of the Middle East, and even as far as Egypt. Products and artistic ideas from each of these cultures have also been found in Minoan Crete, so we can tell that there was a high degree of exchange between these groups.

Religion: The Minoan civilisation was primarily a polytheist group, which was the larger religious group in the ancient east region. The Minoan society was known to believe in the cult practice and mythology is based on evidence recovered through archelogy through dating different artefacts found at different known Minoans sites such as their places etc. The Minoans primary worship was to a deity of earth goddesses and unlike other religions of that time the Minoans worshipped goddesses in comparison to male deities such as

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