
The Minuteman Project Analysis

Decent Essays

The Minuteman Project's underlying goal was to influence the public opinion and federal immigration policy. Its members used spectacle to gain public attention and to demonstrate its power to the public. See illustration below for “The Minuteman Project spectacle, isomorphic with the scaffold, the public execution of a criminal.” The pictures above provide an illustration of the theater created such as the flags waving in the air, the weapons in plain view and the public watching. Similar to the picture on the right, the picture on the left, also demonstrates patriotism, power with weapons and the symbolic scaffold. The Minuteman Project prided itself in creating and instilling fear. In, The Devil's Highway, Mendez, the Coyote discussed …show more content…

McCarty (2007) says “organizations like the Minuteman Project claim, citizen volunteers working with the organization, are cautious in the way they deal with undocumented migrant encounters in order to avoid potential torts. However, despite the extra caution the organization solicits assistance from volunteers who receive little training and may or may not undergo background check, the likelihood for renegade action increases” (p. 1491). Therefore, even though Jim Gilchrist, head of the Minuteman Project, claims his organization would not harm undocumented individuals, he continues to create a spectacle out of them (see above for an illustration from the On the Minuteman Project website, Gilchrist continues to use the same mechanisms he used in April, 2015. He says "in order to save sovereignty something must be done against these colored invaders...English-speaking European-based white America is replaced with alternative ethnicities speaking non-English languages and practicing non-American traditions” (Minuteman Project website). Urrea concludes in The Devil's Highway, “In Arizona, the Immigration protests have a homegrown cowboy feel to them. Toxin materials appear in jugs that look like drinking water. Humane borders water stations are vandalized, the three hundred-gallon tanks broken open so they run dry. Small groups of Mexicans

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