
The Mississippi Arts Frameworks And The National Core Arts Standards

Decent Essays

Upon reading both the Mississippi Arts Frameworks and the National Core Arts Standards, it became very apparent that there were similarities and contrast in both their structure and content. Both of these frameworks still have the overall goal of increasing both individuality, creativity, and important life skills in students. Both of these frameworks highlight important artistic processes and content, but both differ in the components that they contain as well. Additionally, both frameworks still have the same universal goal as other subject area, which is to inform readers of what a student should know and be able to do at different grade levels. Similarly, both standards are also offer itself as guides and models for educators to plan their instruction. Both standards offer a multitude of resourceful information that can guide teachers into designing a curriculum in which performance is assessed rather than paperwork.

Beginning with an end in mind, both standards start off detailing what students should be able to know and do in each art discipline, an outcomes-based approach. (#)Both standards explain that Jay McTighe’s and Grant Wiggins’s framework Understanding by Design(UbD) was the basis for their standards. The writers National Arts Standards even obtained McTighe’s assistance in the development in their standards and assessments. Both standards also offer educators suggested assessments that align with their objectives; however they differ in the components

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