
The Modal Model Of Memory

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The modal model of memory was initially introduced by Richard Atkinson and Richard Shiffrin (1968) because they believed that once data enters the brain it must either be contained or put away. They additionally recommended that data is kept into three particular memory frameworks i.e. the sensory register, short-term memory and long-term memory. This model was developed to clarify the process of our memory, its capacity and how long the memory is able to hold a data.

Furthermore, they carried out a multi-score model which described memory in terms of information flowing via systems and this research was successful in terms of the amount of research it consisted of. As a result, of this Baddeley and Hitch (1974) developed an alternative model of short-term memory which was also known as the working memory.

The modal model memory is an explanation as to how the memory process functions, although William James (1890) justified a dissimilarity amid the primary and secondary memory because primary memory comprised of thoughts which held for a short term in consciousness, whereas the secondary memory consisted of a permanent unconscious store.

The sensory memory gathers data via our senses, ears, eyes, mouth and due to this information only remains in store for a very small amount time, thus the model suggests that if consideration is given to the senses then the memory exchanges to the short term capacity. An evidence of the sensory store was provided by Sperling (1960); as

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