
The Montgomery Boycott And The Montgomery Boycott

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Afterall, before Rosa Parks, there was Claudette Colvin. Colvin refused her seat on a bus nine months before Parks did, yet, she was deemed too young and too dark to represent a cause. That is why Rosa Parks was chosen (Adler). The Montgomery Boycott, although holds importance, exemplifies the use of how Parks was used as a face of a movement and that some faces are not given a voice.
Black women in particular were at an intersection of the black community and the female one. They had to fight for rights on both ends. For instance, when the birth control, “the pill,” was introduced, black men did not want black women to take it in fear of condemning their black community. They believed it a system of which the black community could be repressed once again because their population could potentially dwindle a tiny bit (Robinson). In this regard, these women were being controlled in two ways, in regards to her reproductive rights and race. They suffered the brunt of the two movements and learned that their issues were different of that of their peers. Although black men were being empowered (slowly), black women would still not get the same justices or have the same opportunities. In a comparison to white women, black women would have even less opportunities. Women of color learn that for their problems, they needed to find their own solutions and that could potentially mean a whole separate fight from that of the Civil Rights Movement, Black Power Movement and Women’s

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