
The Most Common And Well Known Variation Of Md Is Duchenne

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The most common and well known variation of MD is Duchenne MD (DMD). The person in history who gets the credit for first studying and publishing details on this type of MD is rather complicated. The disease is actually named after Gulliaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne. Duchenne first described his details of the disease in the late 1800s. Since the disease is named after him, it is highly accepted that he was the first; however, there are many that simply do not agree on the matter. It has now come to light that a doctor from the United Kingdom named Edward Meryon actually wrote his own account on the disease a decade before Duchenne. This type accounts for about half of all MD cases 2. Scott Giles stated that “the incidence of DMD is …show more content…

The enlarged calf muscle may be the next noticeable trait of a DMD patient. The patient’s calf’s look like they have muscle, but this enlargement of the calves is actually fat. This is referred to as pseudo hypertrophy, and patients with pseudo hypertrophy of the calves usually walk on their toes due to the contracture. Another initial sign of DMD would be waddling gait 1. This form of walking looks like a duck in a sense. It is where the alternating steps are overstated and the hips are elevated more than normal.
Usually once atrophy of the hip musculature is noticed, shoulder weakness in noticed also. Those inflicted with DMD will also have trouble with overhead activates, and keeping the shoulders flexed for long periods of time. Scott M. Giles actually lists the following muscles affected by DMD: “Shoulder girdle musculature, pectorals, deltoids, rectus abdominals, gluteals, hamstrings, and calf muscles” 6. DMD patients continue to lose control and strength in their lower extremity musculature and eventually have so much trouble walking they are confined to a wheelchair. There is not a set age where this occurs, but the average is around twelve years old. The DMD muscles involved in eating, drinking, and of the eye are not touched by the disease. They usually do not have any hearing deficits or stroke disorders 1.
There are several additional complications with DMD. It

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