
The Motivational Factors Of First Generation Student

Decent Essays

When a student, whose parents or guardians did not receive a post-secondary education, completes a bachelor’s degree at a university or college, they are known as a first-generation student (Choy, 2001). For many students, becoming a first-generation student is a very significant deal not only for the student, but also for the rest of the family as well. When becoming the first student in the family to receive a post-secondary education, there is an immense amount of pressure placed on the student to successfully complete their degree. On the verge of becoming the first within the family to receive some sort of bachelor of arts, students are challenged by their families to conquer an opportunity their parents were never granted. As a …show more content…

For example answering the same question above, students who are extrinsically motivated may respond “I go to university because I need a degree to get a better paying job.”
Another study also found that first generation students are influenced by their cultural values (Phinney, Dennis, & Osorio). Markus and Kitayama (1991) suggested that first generation students are motivated through either collectivistic orientations or individualistic motivation. Collectivistic orientation are motives that encourage a student to meet the demand and expectations of others. For instance, some families have high expectations for their children and want to see them with well-paying jobs in their futures. On the other hand, individualistic orientations are the personal motives of the individual. Individual motivations are based on intellectual curiosity, based on personal interest to successfully attain a rewarding career.
A significant research study on first generation university students concluded that cultural values are an important motive that influence university students when enrolling into post-secondary school (Dennis, Phinney, & Chuateco, 2005). Horn and Bobbitt (2005) discovered that students who come from underprivileged homes, are influenced by the vision that completing a degree will increase the economic and social status of their disadvantaged household. Thus, being said, Auerbach (2002), has proved that cultural values such as parental encouragement,

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