The murder of Paris was a devastating one, he died being a hero and paid the price. It all started when Paris was mourning the death of his future “wife” or so he thought, until he heard someone coming. He went into a corner and waited he saw Romeo the person who killed Tybalt, the person he loves cousin, so he came out and went to fight Romeo.Romeo didn't know he was fighting Paris, who jumped like he had unbreakable armor but of course he didn't. He quickly disposed of him and then Romeo killed himself shortly after. Romeo took the easy way out. First of all, Romeo broke the law by going back even though he was banished. Which he broke carelessly after one day and killed another person a couple days earlier so Romeo obviously broke many
I think that Paris was the character that suffered the most in Romeo and Juliet besides those two. I think that because he lost his relative Mercutio, he died, he never got to marry Juliet which he wanted to during the whole play. The first reason that he suffered the most is that he lost his relative Mercutio. We learn this when Benvolio comes out and tells Romeo that Mercutio is dead from the stab wound. This supports that because it physically said that Mercutio is dead. The second reason that Paris suffered the most is that he never got to marry Juliet. During the whole play Juliet was either avoiding him and the marriage, or faking being dead. This supports that because they never get to have the wedding which officially states that those
In the play Romeo and Juliet, written by William Shakespeare, we learn of the many hardships and highs Romeo and Juliet go through over the course of the story. The play Romeo and Juliet is based off two star-crossed lovers who are separated from each other due to a feud between their two families. Their love is so strong that at the end of the story Romeo and Juliet both end up committing suicide because they can’t live without each other. Whether it is problems with love, or them complimenting each other on how they feel about the other person, Shakespeare uses many literary devices to make the reader dig deeper into the context to find the meaning behind the sentence. Some of the literary devices are; similes, metaphors, and personification.
First and foremost, Romeo broke the law when he killed Tybalt. During the time when this story is set, committing a crime such as murder was punishable by death. This is shown in Act III Scene I Page 26 when Benvolio warns Romeo that he might be killed for his misdeed if he does not flee. He says to Romeo “Stand not
“ now, Tybalt, take the villain back again, that late thou gavest me, for Mercutio’s soul is but a little way above our heads, staying for thine to key him company: either thou, or I, or both, must go with him” (3,1, ). If Romeo hadn’t killed Tybalt, Juliet wouldn’t have been crying because Romeo was banished. And her dad wouldn’t have thought that she was crying because of Tybalt’s death, which made him change his mind about paris. Capulet thought being a bride would make her happy and Juliet faked her death so that her father wouldn’t marry her to
Paris is at fault in this situation as well, as he ventures to Juliet’s grace to pay remorse to the women he was supposed to marry he runs into Romeo.”Condemned villain, I do apprehend thee. Obey, and go with me ;for thou must die” (V.3.56-57). Paris is so consumed by Juliet’s death that his judgment is clouded, he thinks that Romeo is somehow in fault for her death so he confronts him. This confrontation leads in Paris’s demise, this clouded judgment that he has makes Paris just assume Romeo’s at fault, when he doesn’t understand the full story. Juliet just woke up from her sleeping potion to find Romeo, her husband and true love dead at her feet. “Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end. O churl! Drunk all, and left no friendly drop to help me after?”
Romeo in return kills Paris who would have killed Romeo. Romeo then drinks poison to kill himself, when Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo dead she uses his dagger to kill
Romeo is also very disliked, so in the next act Tyblat decides to fight him. This results in the death of both Mercutio, who was defending him, and Tybalt. Romeo kills Tybalt, Paris, and himself. After he kills himself, Juliet discovers him and kills herself. There were many things that could have been avoided if Romeo had thought things through instead of acting on impulse, or if he had made a
Romeo has completely forgotten Rosaline, a character Romeo cried and was depressed about. He instead pleads with the Friar to marry him to his newfound love, Juliet. Count Paris is also self-centered. This is shown when he talks to Lord Capulet about the wedding. Capulet says:
You’re in love with a person that loves you back ,but your parents want you to date someone that they like and you hate. That is what happened in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Juliet was madly in love with Romeo and he loved her too, but Capulet wanted Juliet to marry Paris. Another person to blame is Tybalt because of him always fighting with the Montagues for relatively no reason. In fact, Juliet was willing to do anything to prevent her from marrying Paris and not be able to see Romeo; in the book, Juliet says,
There are two paths that both individually could have been the cause of Romeo and Juliet's demise in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. One, being the uncontrollable road of fate, and the other being sheer human reaction. Though all of the gargantuan decisions made the facade of of destiny controlling their lives, It was mostly the lovers impulsive decisions that would lead to their inevitable end.The first of these decisions was after Romeo sorrowfully decided to crash the Capulet's party, he decided that he was going to waltz up to Juliet and kiss her upon her lips. Though a fantastic idea in is imaginative mind at the time, he did not realize that the furious Tybalt had recognized him before. This tragic mistake leads to Tybalt having even worse blood with Romeo than he did before. This would inevitably lead to Romeo's next impulsive decision that practically destroys his life. Romeo meets Tybalt on the blood-stained streets of
Romeo is “fortunes fool” (3. 1. 132) after his villainous decision to murder Tybalt, he murdered him out of revenge, Romeo’s decision to kill Tybalt was a rushed decision that he made with no thought as to the consequences for himself and his wife Juliet, this shows his recklessness and rushed attitude. Another example of Romeo’s sudden evils is when he murders Paris who was at Juliet’s tomb mourning her death. Paris is clearly as completely devastated by Juliet’s abrupt death as Romeo and Romeo shows him no mercy and murders him out of his anger. Romeo’s desire to go after Juliet after he murders Tybalt is an example of his rash and ill- advised decisions. Romeo does not only destroy his own reputation and his life as he knew it, he drags Juliet with him by continually trying to get to her instead of relaxing and backing off until the problem is solved.
The ideology that everything in the universe has a specific place and rank in order of their hierarchy importance created by God is known as the concept of The Great Chain of Being. The order of this concept consisted levels according to highest rank to the lowest accordingly: God, angels, humanity, animals, vegetation life, leading all the way down to crud. Within each category, more specific classification existed, placing these subcategories in a specific order. This concept was believed to be a way to keep the universe in order. As this was believed during Elizabethan times, William Shakespeare also believed in the Great Chain of Being, as many of his plays are prominently based on this concept. Some of his plays include characters that accept their place on the Chain, but others are not so complacent. By examining three different characters from Shakespeare’s tragedies, The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet, The Tragedy of Macbeth, and The Tragedy of King Lear, it is obvious to readers who is content with their place on the Chain and which characters have a difficult time accepting their place. Romeo and Juliet do not obey their parents’ orders, therefore suffer harsh consequences towards the end of the play. Macbeth is another Shakespearean character that violates the Chain, due to the committing of several murders, in order to gain the throne. In stark contrast, Cordelia, is content with her place on the Chain as she does not want anything greater in life, unlike her
Romeo is faced with similar oppositions as Juliet. His family, being sworn enemies to the Capulets, are kept in the dark about his romance with Juliet. Also, when the Capulets begin to perceive of the close relationship between Romeo and Juliet, it makes him a greater target to Capulet men such as Tybalt. There is no doubt as to Romeo’s faithfulness towards Juliet and his desire to do all that is needed in order to have her love, but because of his lack of experience in life, Romeo is not at all faultless. Perhaps the most notable act that sabotaged his relationship with Juliet was his slaying of Tybalt. However honorable and necessary it may have seemed to him at the time, Romeo’s rashness once again rears its ugly head after Mercutio foolishly brings about his own demise. Of course, Romeo immediately regrets his impetuous actions after the grave mistake had already been done as he does many times throughout the story.
The news of Juliet’s “death” reached Romeo, he was depressed and suicidal. A few people knew of Romeo’s state of mind, including Friar Laurence, yet no one said or did anything to help him. Romeo went to Friar Laurence for guidance; he acquired a poison from him. He then went to visit Juliet’s body in the Capulet burial vault, he happened to run into Paris. Nothing could get in the way of Romeo seeing his beloved. Paris and Romeo started to fight; Romeo killed Paris with a hit to the chest. Romeo then reached Juliet’s body. With all that has happened, Romeo’s emotions got the best of him, and he committed suicide next to Juliet’s