
The Mysterious Death Of Mary Rogers And The Market Revolution

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The Mysterious Death of Mary Rogers and the Market Revolution “The Mysterious Death of Mary Rogers,” written by Amy Gilman Srebnick is about the unsolved mystery of Mary Rogers. Mary Rogers worked at a broadway tobacco shop. She was called “cigar girl.” In the 1840’s it was very shameful for a young lady like Mary Roger to work at a cigar shop because but in a way she made the shop well known. She also managed her mother 's boarding house at 126 Nassau Street. Mary was the youngest child. She was young, unmarried, and beautiful. Mary also had a lover, Daniel Payne. Mary Rogers was only 20 when she went missing. On July 28, 1841 Mary Rogers body was discovered floating near the shore of the hudson river with visible signs of violence. A report by two jurors indicated that Mary had been “ gagged, tied, raped by several men, and finally strangled” (Srebnick 18). “Dr.Cook confirmed that Mary had not drowned, frothy blood was still issuing from her mouth and her face was suffused with dark, bruised blood and had swollen veins” (Srebnick 18). Once her body was found there were many theories as to how she died.The New Jersey coroner determined strangulation. The New York coroner determined she drowned. Another witness confessed while on her deathbed that it was due to an abortion. Mary Rogers death is still a mystery today. Payne was a prime suspect, being that he was her lover. “Several weeks after Mary’s death, on Friday October 8, 1841, Payne was found dead.” “Found drunk,

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